Overseer of God’s Remnant Assembly Akintayo Emmanuel Highlights 3 Divine Signs that Success is On the Way

Dr. Akintayo Emmanuel
3 min readMay 22, 2020

We have all heard time and again that “it is always darkest before the dawn.” However, there are moments when even the most earnest and dedicated among us feel like throwing in the towel. Despite our best efforts and most sincere prayers, we aren’t experiencing the progress or success that we hoped for and anticipated.

However, according to the Overseer of God’s Remnant Assembly Akintayo Emmanuel, it is precisely at these times — when frustration and despair threatens to overwhelm us — that we need to re-ignite our faith, put our absolute and total trust in the Lord, and pay close attention to signs that success is imminent if we can only stay the course.

While the Bible reveals numerous signs that God has heard our prayers and is guiding is exactly where we need to go, Akintayo Emmanuel highlights three passages that are particularly illuminating; especially when we are journeying through the dark night of the soul: Romans 5:3–4, Galatians 6:9, and Jeremiah 29:11.

Romans 5:3–4: “Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.”

According to Akintayo Emmanuel, “When we do not immediately or quickly get what we think we want or need, instead of giving into frustration and despair, we should focus on what God is teaching us and wants us to embrace. Do we need to be more patient? More compassionate? More caring with others, and perhaps even with ourselves? When we focus on what God is giving us right now, we see an abundance of signs and proof that we are being heard by our Father.”

Galatians 6:9: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

“Many of us try and make if-then deals with God. For example, we say that if God gives us a better job, then we will start donating some of our time or money to worthy charitable organizations in the community. Or, we say that if God helps us recover from an illness, then we will start to support our loved ones and focus on their happiness and care. This does not work, because God is not a business partner. He is our Father and our salvation. While we are waiting for our good to arrive in whatever form — such as a better job, improved health, or some other positive outcome — we should focus on what we can do to help others. We should not wait to be a positive force for those around us.

Jeremiah 29:11: “`For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, `plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’”

“How many times in our lives have we thanked the Lord for not granting our earlier prayers? For example, perhaps you got into an argument with your neighbor and prayed that God would move them somewhere else. Then sometime later, that same neighbor provided invaluable help — perhaps by calling the police after seeing a burglar entering your house while you were away, or finding your beloved lost pet when nobody else could. The message here is that God knows exactly and precisely what we need, when, and how. Often, the very same obstacles that we rile against turn into our greatest blessings. We must put our trust in Him and realize that He always and only wants us to succeed in a way that is best for us. He is always presenting and speaking to us. We need to pray to have eyes to see and ears to listen.”



Dr. Akintayo Emmanuel

Overseer of God’s Remnant Assembly. Married to Pastor Sarah Emmanuel, founders of GRA Mission Squad.