Overseer of God’s Remnant Assembly Akintayo Emmanuel Highlights 3 Tips to Build Good Relationships at Work

Dr. Akintayo Emmanuel
3 min readFeb 10, 2020


Many people strive to establish healthy, positive and productive relationships with their colleagues. Unfortunately, the reality can be quite different and far darker. Indeed, research by the National Business Research Institute has revealed that dysfunctional relationships with co-workers and bosses are two of the top five reasons why people dislike their jobs (the other three massive pain points are being out the loop, favoritism, and lack of purpose).

The bad news is that you can’t instantly transform troubled professional relationships into healthy ones. But the good news is that over time and with the necessary effort, people can strengthen, support and sustain good relationships at work. According to Akintayo Emmanuel, the Overseer of God’s Remnant Assembly, here are three tips that can make all the difference:

1. Resist the Urge to Criticize

Most people with problematic colleagues spend an inordinate amount of time, effort, and energy criticizing their workplace tormentors. While this may seem harmless or even therapeutic (i.e. blowing off stem vs. burying things down deep), it is usually neither: because eventually, excessive criticism becomes the norm, and there is no bandwidth left to say or do anything that could rehabilitate the relationship and turn it around. As proclaimed in Proverbs 12:18: “The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.”

Commented the Overseer of God’s Remnant Assembly Akintayo Emmanuel: “Just a few well-placed words of authentic encouragement or positive feedback can transform relationships in ways that are nothing short of astonishing. When people feel respected and valued, something deep within ignites and brings a whole new illumination to their being.”

2. Lead by Example

Those who want to foster good relationships at work should not wait for the other party (or other parties) to change their behavior — because that may never happen. Instead, they should lead by example by demonstrating the qualities, characteristics, and ethics that align with the best version of themselves. As proclaimed in Matthew 7:12: “Do for others what you would like them to do for you. This is a summary of all that is taught in the law and the prophets.”

Akintayo Emmanuel claims: “Taking the high road and leading by example can be much easier said than done; especially when dealing with difficult people. But we should nevertheless make the effort. We must demonstrate that our values are not circumstantial and change from situation to situation or person to person but are fundamental to our being and firmly rooted in the Golden Rule.”

3. Elevate Your Efforts

Building good relationships at work is important both professionally and personally. As such, it’s certainly wise and worth the effort to evolve strong and healthy relationships, while doing what is possible to repair and reset troubled relationships. Yet with this in mind, it is vital to remain aware of the core truth that we only have one employer and that is God. As proclaimed in Colossians 3:23: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.”

Commented the Overseer of God’s Remnant Assembly Akintayo Emmanuel: “In our workplaces, we should dutifully respect those whom we work with, and also those whom we work for. But our real boss is the Lord, and it is Him who we must strive to serve and impress each hour. He knows what is in truly our hearts; often with much more clarity and precision that we do.”



Dr. Akintayo Emmanuel
Dr. Akintayo Emmanuel

Written by Dr. Akintayo Emmanuel

Overseer of God’s Remnant Assembly. Married to Pastor Sarah Emmanuel, founders of GRA Mission Squad.

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